Contact Me

Are you interested in one of my available artworks?

Please get in touch via the contact form or check out my shop on the Irish Artmart.

Do you like my art but cannot find the right piece for your space?

Make sure to follow me on Instagram for updates on new artworks. If you do not have instagram, you are welcome to sign up to my newsletter.

Alternatively, you can reach out and we can discuss a possible commissionend piece. Please note that I will not always be able to take on commissions and the maximum size I can currently offer is 1x1.5m.

Are you a business or gallery and interested in displaying one or more of my artworks?

I currently only have a limited number of artworks available, but please do get in touch and we can work something out!

Other than that, feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have or if you just want to have a chat!

I would love to hear from you!